jueves, agosto 16, 2007


I haven't been sleepwalking.

3 months of hell have been done with. 48 hours left till the time where i can finally breathe ( or in my case hack, cough, spit blood) freely.

Cos my attachment's gonna be done!!!!

Which is kinda bittersweet, cos like the coolest babe on earth has landed in Xedge. She's smart, she's witty, she loves rock, she rocks, she loves veggies (I HATE VEGGIES). Ladies and gentlemen, make way for Florence.


Boss says: Hi blablablablablabla

Me: Yea yea yea yea

*Boss walks away*

Me: I hate her.

Florence: Yeah. She sucks so.

In other affairs, sarah bruther has gone to brisbane, sam has left for copenhagen, xiangmin has left for california.

Did some bar-hopping and clubbing like no tomorrow (there wasn't). Ruined my throat. I've totally lost my voice now. I make my presence felt by coughing like a cat with an XXXXL furball stuck in his throat.

Went for Esther's 21st birthday! Saw jeanette and fio(and their boyfriends, they're like symbiont creatures, can't see em without), and played some drinking games. Indian poker is the ownage!

Met up for lee2's 20th birthday! Fish & co's with a sore throat = SOREx314153 THROAT.

Ate some disappointing wahiro with Jas. Jas is like, super jaded. extremely. jaded.

Bo has $10k (ten thousand, yes TEN THOUSAND) to buy a computer. Read that sentence again. I'm not fucking kidding. Take the money and run to hawaii i say! Or you could spend $1k on the com and $9k on clothes... tempting eh?

Quek's cat died. poor miaomiao... hit and run accident at the road outside her home. NO1 CARED AND SHE WAS SCRAPED UP AND DUMPED IN THE RUBBISH BIN. DAMN FUCKING ROAD CLEANERS GIVE US THE BODY TO BURY LA.

she was so clawy.. loved to claw the string ball.. loved to claw me.. so cute and energetic. We love you miaomiao..

Visited Ms Peh at Mambai. The fun jokes and gossips we shared were good times. In life and death you were an example to everyone. You still loved the students, you still loved teaching. We still love you, Ms Peh.

Life's short. When you're at the crossroads with your future spread out so far... And people dear to you have run the race and got it over with.

In less depresssing news:

Remind self to take photo of credit card bill and show off. Haha.

After that, run overseas, (possible) gig for october, spend spend spend until NS...

In the near future, dinner tomorrow, saturday dinner at wahiro, sunday wala wala pub.

Gonna sit down and think what to do in these 3 months before going in. An overseas trip and getting drunk are definitely in the M.O.